
In Reception we have 3 classes, Class 1 with the class teacher Mrs Buckley and teaching assistants Miss Simm and Mrs. Mc Queen, Class 2 with the class teacher’s Mrs Gilroy & Mrs Wolfarth and teaching assistant Mrs Ibbotson and Mrs Murphy and Class 3 with the class teacher Mrs Evans and the teaching assistant Mrs Kearney, Mrs Kinnard and Miss Graham. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum 2020. During each half term we will use key texts as the hook for our learning and plan exciting learning opportunities linked to these and the EYFS outcomes. Each day our learning consists of a phonics session, a maths sessions, a story session and topic session as direct teaching sessions. During the remaining parts of the day we learn through play in continuous provision within the different areas of learning in our classrooms both indoors and outdoors. We develop our independence in Reception and learn lots of key skills such as making relationships with our new friends and learning how to share and take turns. We also learn key Literacy and Mathematics skills which are important building blocks for our future learning.

To look at our electronic floor books which will showcase the learning from each class for the half term, please look at our individual class pages.

Our floor books and topics are based around a text and in the first half term – Autumn 1  we will be reading the story The Gingerbread Man.

You may wish to look through our the Year 1 class pages to take a sneaky peak at the floor books to give you some idea of what is to come.

